本課程是由 國立陽明交通大學電機工程學系 提供。
This course aims at developing software projects usable in real-world, and focuses on "learning by doing," "team work," and "research/startup oriented." We will cover fundamental and advanced development tools (git, ROS, OpenCV) in C++ or Python through "Duckietown," an open course "MIT 2.166 Autonomous Vehicles." Students are also welcome to form own teams and propose software projects (Android etc).
(This course is taught in English.)
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Martin Fowler.
Introduction to Autonomous Robots, Nikolaus Correll, 2015.
授課教師 | 電機工程學系 王學誠老師 |
課程學分 | 3學分 |
授課年度 | 106學年度 |
授課對象 | 大學生、研究生 |
預備知識 | This course involve a fair amount of programming. Students who took probability, linear algebra, image processing, and computer vision are encouraged to join, but not required. |
課程提供 | 課程影音 課程綱要 課程行事曆 |
週次 | 課程內容 | 課程影音 | 課程下載 |
課程介紹 Welcome & Introduction | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
基礎知識介紹:linux, github, vim ,ssh 蘇詠善、蕭宇杰 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Duckiebot硬體介紹、ROS、Joystick control 蕭宇杰、陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Lane filters, Hough Transform 翻轉教室 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Jupyter Notebook, Python, OpenCV, Line Detector 呂承龍 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Lane Filter & Car Commands 呂承龍 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Camera/Wheel Calibration 陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
FSM & Lane following 陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Lane following demos | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
ROS package, Face detector Tim | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
ROS + Android + Duckiebot 呂承龍 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
用Android phone 控制 duckiebot demos | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
ROS introduction & Apriltags 陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Arduino + Duckiebo + 超音波測距儀 陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Joystick Lab 蕭宇杰 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Stop Line Filter Lab 蘇詠善 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
FSM Lab 陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Lane Filter Lab 呂承龍 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Duckie-Lolita 李浩平、吳俊賢、楊尊宇 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Object Detection in Duckiebot 陳泓仁、簡銘賢 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: 圖書館員--Duckie 施承佐、徐銘澤 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Driving Test Using Duckiebot 蕭進豪、梁子恆、林以鑫 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Duckietownin Gazebo 許瑋庭 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Home Caring Robot 陳品伃、周建龍、郭俊儀、陸昱霖、李佳儀 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Automatic Intelligent Plant Caring Robot 張書鳴、駱政成、康辰平、溫英華、李立維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: DuckieGuard 陳顥云、吳易倫、李政諺、黃崇鑫、張仕傑 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: DuckieMVP 呂承龍 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Tracking and Surveillance 賴振豪、陳奕翔、黃宇晨、李柄儀、張惟翔 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Depth Lane Following 吳禹欣 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Object Following Duckiebot 葉依善 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Multi-Robot Patrolling System 陳品維 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Super Driving Security 薛宇涵、林政碩 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Simulation - Scale Up of Duckiebot 宋豐裕 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Automatic Shooting and Assistive Machine 陳柏翰、卓庭宇 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Sharkie Float Too 陳源德、楊凱文、李宜鴻、李昀、許家銘 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance of Marine Robot 佘柏陞、蔡均承 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Integrtion of Duckietown and Scratch 黎光晏、賴煒承 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
期末專題: Missy Duck 梁凱雯、黃麗萍、吳俊輝、孫文威、蔡曉惠 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
This course aims at developing software projects usable in real-world, and focuses on "learning by doing," "team work," and "research/startup oriented." We will cover fundamental and advanced development tools (git, ROS, OpenCV) in C++ or Python through "Duckietown," an open course "MIT 2.166 Autonomous Vehicles." Students are also welcome to form own teams and propose software projects (Android etc).
This course would have 3 sessions in each meeting :
1. 1.5 hours of lecture & interactive session
2. 1.5 hours of implementation
3. Evaluation
章節 | 章節內容 |
單元一 | Introduction to Creative Software Project - Duckietown |
單元二 | Python Programming Introduction & OpenCV |
單元三 | Robot Operating System (ROS) & Gazebo |
單元四 | ROS Data & Visualization |
單元五 | Camera Setting and Calibration |
單元六 | Lane Filter & Control |
單元七 | Finite State Machine (FSM) |
單元八 | Special Project Topics |
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Martin Fowler.
Introduction to Autonomous Robots, Nikolaus Correll, 2015.
項目 | 百分比 |
Class Participation, In Class Quiz, Problem Sets | 10% |
Midterm Presentation | 30% |
Final Presentation | 30% |
Project Report & Demo Video | 30% |
學期週次 | 上課日期 | 參考課程進度 |
第一週 | 2016/09/14 |
第二週 | 2016/09/21 |
第三週 | 2016/09/28 |
第四週 | 2016/10/05 |
第五週 | 2016/10/12 |
第六週 | 2016/10/19 |
第七週 | 2016/10/26 |
第八週 | 2016/11/02 |
第九週 | 2016/11/09 |
第十週 | 2016/11/16 |
第十一週 | 2016/11/23 |
第十二週 | 2016/11/30 |
第十三週 | 2016/12/07 |
第十四週 | 2016/12/14 |
第十五週 | 2016/12/21 |
第十六週 | 2016/12/28 |
第十七週 | 2017/01/04 |
第十八週 | 2017/01/11 |