Scalar Functions to Vector Functions、Gradient Calculation

第一週Cartesian Plane、Vector in The Cartesian Plane、Vector Addition線上觀看MP4下載
Vector Addition、Vector in R^3 and R^n、Algebraic Properties of Vector in R^n and Proof線上觀看MP4下載
Using Algebraic Properties for computation、Independent Vector Spanning R^2 Space、Linear Combination、Binary Vector線上觀看MP4下載
Dot Product、Definition and Example、Algebraic Properties of Dot Product線上觀看MP4下載
Length、Unit Vector、The Cauchy-Schwartz and Triangle Inequality、Distance between Two Vector線上觀看MP4下載
Angle between Two Vectors、Angle and Orthogonal Property、Dot Operation and Orthogonality of Function、Pythagoras’ Theorem and Projection線上觀看MP4下載
Lines in R^2 and R^3線上觀看MP4下載
Lines in R^2 and R^3、Planes in R^3線上觀看MP4下載
Distance from a Point to a Line/Plane、Applications線上觀看MP4下載
第二週Linear or Nonlinear Equation、A system of Linear Equation in R^2 and R^3、Coefficient and Augmented Metrices線上觀看MP4下載
Row Echelon Form、Elementary Row Operation and Row Equivalent、Gaussian Elimination線上觀看MP4下載
Rank and Gaussian-Jordan Elimination、Gaussian-Jordan Elimination、Homogeneous Systems、Linear Systems over Z_p線上觀看MP4下載
Vector Concepts for Linear Combinations、Spanning Set for Space R^n線上觀看MP4下載
Spanning Set for Space R^n、Linear independence線上觀看MP4下載
Linear independence線上觀看MP4下載
Application(Chemical、Network Analysis)線上觀看MP4下載
Application(Circuit、Economic Models)線上觀看MP4下載
Application(Finite Linear Games)、Numerical Solutions-Iterative Methods線上觀看MP4下載
第三週Introduction to Matrix Operations、Matrix Operations、Matrix’s Equality線上觀看MP4下載
Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication、Matrix Multiplication、Partitioned Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
Partitioned Matrices、Matrix Power、The Transpose of a Matrix線上觀看MP4下載
Properties of Addition and Scalar Multiplication、Properties of Matrix Multiplication線上觀看MP4下載
Properties of The Transpose、The inverse of a Matrix線上觀看MP4下載
Properties of Invertible Matrices、Elementary Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
The Fundamental Theorem of Invertible Matrices、The Gaussian-Jordan Method for Computing The Inverse線上觀看MP4下載
The Gaussian-Jordan Method for Computing The Inverse、The LU Factorization線上觀看MP4下載
An Easy Way to Find LU Factorizations、The P^TLU Factorization、Computational Consideration線上觀看MP4下載
第四週Subspace、Row and Column Space of Matrice(Introduction)線上觀看MP4下載
Row and Column Space of Matrice、Basis and Effective Procedures to Find Basis線上觀看MP4下載
Dimension、Rank、The Fundamental Theorem of Invertible Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
Introduction to Linear Transformations、Linear Transformations線上觀看MP4下載
Linear Transformations、Rotation About The Origin、Composition of Two Transformations線上觀看MP4下載
Composition of Two Transformations、Inverse of Linear Transformations、Associativity線上觀看MP4下載
Introduction to Markov Chain、Markov Chain-State Vector、Transition Matrix and Steady State Vector線上觀看MP4下載
Application Example of Markov Chain、Linear Economic Model-Leontief Model、Productive、Population Growth-Leslie Model線上觀看MP4下載
Population Growth-Leslie Model、Graph、Digraph線上觀看MP4下載
Digraph、Error-Correction Codes線上觀看MP4下載
第五週Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors、Eigenspace線上觀看MP4下載
Eigenpicture-Zero Determinant、Calculate Eigenvalues線上觀看MP4下載
Concept of Determinant and How to calculate、Determinant of n×n matrices、The Laplace Expansion線上觀看MP4下載
The Examples of Laplace Expansion、Properties of Determinants線上觀看MP4下載
Determinants of Elementary Matrices、Determinants and Matrix Operations、Cramer’s Rule and The Adjoint線上觀看MP4下載
Eigenvalues of a Square Matrix線上觀看MP4下載
Eigenvalues of a Square Matrix、The Fundamental Theorem of Invertible Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
Polynomial of a matrix A and Its corresponding eigenvalues線上觀看MP4下載
第七週Similar Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
Diagonalization、The Diagonalization Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
The Power Method線上觀看MP4下載
The Power Method、The Shifted Power Method、The Inverse Power Method線上觀看MP4下載
The Shifted Inverse Power Method、Gerschgorin’s Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Markov Chains線上觀看MP4下載
Population Growth、Leslie matrix、Perron-Frobenius Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Linear Recurrence Relation線上觀看MP4下載
System of Linear Differential Equations線上觀看MP4下載
Exponential of A - e^A、Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems線上觀看MP4下載
Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems線上觀看MP4下載
第八週Orthogonal Sets of Vectors、Coordinate線上觀看MP4下載
Orthogonal Matrices、Orthogonal Complements線上觀看MP4下載
Orthogonal Projections、Orthogonal Decompositions線上觀看MP4下載
The Gram-Schmidt Process、QR Factorization線上觀看MP4下載
Orthogonal Diagonalizable線上觀看MP4下載
Spectral Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Dual Codes-The generated Code Space C、Dual Codes-The Same or Equivalent Code線上觀看MP4下載
Quadratic Forms、Quadratic Forms-diagonalization and Principle Axes Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Quadratic Forms、Definition and Example、Diagonalization and Principal Axes Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
The Fundamental Theorem of Quadratic Forms線上觀看MP4下載
Graphing Quadratic Equations、Identify and graph the conic線上觀看MP4下載
Graphing Quadratic Equations、Identify the quadric surface of the equation線上觀看MP4下載
第九週Vector Space、Examples of Kinds of Vector Space線上觀看MP4下載
Examples of Vector or Non-Vector Space、Zero and Negative vector、Subspace線上觀看MP4下載
Spanning Set線上觀看MP4下載
Linear Independence、 Bases線上觀看MP4下載
Change-of-Basis Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
The Gauss-Jordan Method for Computing a change-of-Basis Matrix線上觀看MP4下載
第十週Linear Transformations、Definition and Example線上觀看MP4下載
Properties of Linear Transformations,、Composition of Linear Transformations, Inverse of Linear Transformation線上觀看MP4下載
The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformations、Definition and Example線上觀看MP4下載
The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformations、The Rank Theorem、One-to-One and Onto Linear Transformations線上觀看MP4下載
The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformations、The Rank Theorem、One-to-One and Onto Linear Transformations線上觀看MP4下載
Linear Transformations Represented by a Matrix線上觀看MP4下載
Matrices of Composite and Inverse Linear Transformations線上觀看MP4下載
Change of Basis and Similarity線上觀看MP4下載
The Fundamental Theorem of Invertible Matrices線上觀看MP4下載
1st Order Homogeneous,Linear,Differential,Equations、2nd Order Homogeneous,Linear,Differential,Equations線上觀看MP4下載
第十一週Extends from 1D to 3D Vector Space、Scalar Functions , Functions of Scalar of Functions of Vector、Vector Functions of Vector線上觀看MP4下載
Vector-Function Curve,3D to 1D Vsinf Parameter 、Find the Intersection Curve 、Limits of a Vector Functions 、Continuity and Derivative of Vector Function線上觀看MP4下載
Calculate the tangent line of a curve、Differentiation and Integration of the Curve、 The length of a Curve、The Arc length Parameter線上觀看MP4下載
Trajectory of a particle線上觀看MP4下載
Calculation of Curvature線上觀看MP4下載
Normal and Binormal Vectors、Tangent, Normal and Binormal Vectors、Another Method for the Calculation of Curvature、Curvature of Twisted Cubic線上觀看MP4下載
Level Curves for Functions of two variables、Functions of three variables F(x,y,z)、 Partial Derivatives of Functions線上觀看MP4下載
Scalar Functions to Vector Functions、Gradient Calculation線上觀看MP4下載
Concept of Gradient Calculation、Gradient Calculation線上觀看MP4下載
第十三週Level Curves and Gradient線上觀看MP4下載
Vector fields,The del operator線上觀看MP4下載
Concept of Divergence Calculation、Curl less or Divergent less Potential、Scalar or Vector Potential線上觀看MP4下載
Line Integrals on a 2D plane線上觀看MP4下載
Line Integrals on a 2D plane線上觀看MP4下載
Line Integrals on a 2D plane-Plane Work done by force線上觀看MP4下載
Path Independence Integration Result、Conservative Vector Fields線上觀看MP4下載
Conservative Vector Fields線上觀看MP4下載
Test for a Conservative Vector field線上觀看MP4下載
第十四週Introduction to Double Integrals、Applications of Double Integrals線上觀看MP4下載
Calculation of Double Integrals、Change of Variables、Double Integrals in Poar coordinates線上觀看MP4下載
Change of variables線上觀看MP4下載
Proof of Green’s Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Green’s Theorem and Calculation 、Stoke’s Theorem、Application of Green’s Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Application of Green’s Theorem、Apply Green’s Theorem in the region with holes線上觀看MP4下載