Advanced Solid State Physics (I) [English] – 111Academic Year

高等固態物理(一) [English] – 111學年度

本課程是由 國立陽明交通大學電子物理系提供。

Advanced Solid State Physics is a one-year graduate course on condensed matter physics. The course is addressed to students at graduate level, both oriented toward theory and experiments. The objective of the course is to present the central principles and a more solid foundation of the quantum theory of solids to students who have already taken introductory courses on solid state physics and quantum mechanics. The solid foundation is based on second quantization technique and quantum many-body theory.



1. Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics, an introduction, Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg, Oxford.
2. Quantum theory of solids, C. Kittel, Wiley & Sons Inc.
3.  Solid State Phsyics, Ashcroft/Mernin, Brooks/Cole.



授課教師 電子物理系 仲崇厚老師
課程學分 3學分
授課年度 111學年度
授課對象 研究所
預備知識 Introduction to Solid State Physics, Quantum Mechanics (I)
課程提供 課程影音   課程綱要  

1內容介紹 (第一,二部分)線上觀看MP4下載
2內容介紹 (第三~五部分) 固態物理複習
第零章 複習
3第一章及第二章 二次量子化線上觀看MP4下載
4第三章 聲子,電漿子,磁子線上觀看MP4下載
5第一章 量子力學中的二次 量子化線上觀看MP4下載
6第一章 多體系統中的二次 量子化線上觀看MP4下載
10小主題:庫倫交互作用 第四章 哈特里-福克近似線上觀看MP4下載
11第四章 哈特里-福克理論 包立原理線上觀看MP4下載
12第四章 哈特里-福克理論 包立原理 準粒子能量線上觀看MP4下載
13接續第四章後面的電子電 洞激發能量
第五章 固態中庫侖交互作用的屏蔽效應
14接續著 第五章 固態中庫侖交互作用的屏蔽效應線上觀看MP4下載
15第五章 庫侖屏蔽與電漿子振盪
第五章 隨機相位近似(RPA)
16第五章 電漿子震盪線上觀看MP4下載
17第五章 庫侖屏蔽與電漿子 振盪線上觀看MP4下載
18第五章 庫侖屏蔽和隨機相位近似線上觀看MP4下載
19第六章 波色子的二次量子化線上觀看MP4下載
20第六章 波色-愛因斯坦凝聚 (BEC)線上觀看MP4下載
21第六章 波色-愛因斯坦凝聚(BEC)、聲子線上觀看MP4下載
22第六章 聲子線上觀看MP4下載
23第六章 三維的聲子和德拜模型線上觀看MP4下載
24第六章 德拜模型線上觀看MP4下載
25第六章 聲子線上觀看MP4下載
26第七章 電子聲子交互作用線上觀看MP4下載
27第七章 電子聲子交互作用線上觀看MP4下載
28第七章 偏極子與電子質量增強
第八章 超導性的BCS理論
29第八章 超導性(BCS理論)線上觀看MP4下載
30第八章 超導性(BCS理論)線上觀看MP4下載
31第八章 BCS理論線上觀看MP4下載
32第八章 BCS理論的基態波函數
第九章 自旋波與磁性
33第九章 自旋波與磁性線上觀看MP4下載


Advanced Solid State Physics is a one-year graduate course on condensed matter physics. The course is addressed to students at graduate level, both oriented toward theory and experiments. The objective of the course is to present the central principles and a more solid foundation of the quantum theory of solids to students who have already taken introductory courses on solid state physics and quantum mechanics. The solid foundation is based on second quantization technique and quantum many-body theory.



週次 課程進度、內容、主題
1 Part 0: Review of basics in solid state physics
* Interactions in solids
* Elementary excitations and quasi-particles in solids
2Part I: Electron-electron interactions in Fermion gase
* Second quantization of fermions
3 * Hartree-Fock Approximation
4 * Many-body techniques and electron gas—
Perturbation theory and Random Phase Approximation (RPA)
5 * Plasmon oscillations
* Dielectric response and screening of electron-electron interactions
6 Part II: Interacting Boson systems
* Second quantization of bosons.
* Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC)
7* Superfluidity and liquid Helium
* Phonons in 1D and 3D
8 * Debye model and thermal properties of phonons
* Phonon-phonon interactions
9 Part III: Electron-phonon interactions in solids
* Kohn effect and modified phonon energy
10 * Polarons and effective mass
11* Attractive electron-electron interactions via phonons
12 Part IV: Superconductivity
* Phenomenology: Meisner effect and London equation
13* BCS theory of superconductivity
14* BCS theory of superconductivity

Part V: Magnetism:
* Ferromagnetism, Antiferromagmetism

16 * Spin-wave theory and magnons


1. Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics, an introduction, Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg, Oxford
2. Quantum theory of solids, C. Kittel, Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Solid State Phsyics, Ashcroft/Mernin, Brooks/Cole


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