Lec09 Characteristic Functions

Lec01 The Law of Large Numbers線上觀看MP4下載
Lec02 Large Deviations and The Law of The Iterated Logarithm線上觀看MP4下載
Lec03 Large Deviations and The Law of The Iterated Logarithm線上觀看MP4下載
Lec04 Random Variables and Distributions線上觀看MP4下載
Lec05 Random Variables and Distributions線上觀看MP4下載
Lec06 Random Variables and Distributions, Expected Values線上觀看MP4下載
Lec07 Sums of Independent Random Variables, Convergence of Distributions線上觀看MP4下載
Lec08 Convergence of Distributions, Characteristic Functions線上觀看MP4下載
Lec09 Characteristic Functions線上觀看MP4下載
Lec10 Characteristic Functions, The Central Limit Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Lec11 The Central Limit Theorem, Infinitely Divisible Distributions線上觀看MP4下載
Lec12 Infinitely Divisible Distributions, Ninness’s Strong Law of Large Numbers, Brownian Motion, Berry-Esseen Theorem線上觀看MP4下載
Lec13 Berry-Esseen Theorem, Basic Order Statistics, Basic Theories On Order Statistics線上觀看MP4下載
Lec14 Basic Theories On Order Statistics, Order Statistics of Cumulative Sums, Induced Order Statistics線上觀看MP4下載