週次 | 課程內容 | 課程影音 | 課程下載 |
第零章 | 第零章 物理中的數學 Equations & The Quadratic Formula Linear Equations Exponents Trigonal Function The Binomial Expansion Logarithms | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
Complex Numbers Differential and Integral Calculus | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Taylor Expansion | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Integration | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Differential Equation | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第一章 | 第一章 Physics and Measurement 1-0 課程概述 | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
1-1 Standard of Length, Mass, and Time 1-2 Matter and Model Building 1-3 Dimensional Analysis 1-4 Conversion of Units 1-5 Estimates and Order-of-Magnitude Calculation 1-6 Significant Figures | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第二章 | 第二章 Motion in One Dimension 2-1 Position, Velocity, and Speed 2-2 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed 2-3 Analysis Model: The Particle Under Constant Velocity | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
2-4 Acceleration (special example) 2-5 Motion Diagrams 2-6 Motion Under Constant Acceleration | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
2-7 Freely Falling Objects 2-8 Kinematic Equations Derived from Calculus | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第四章 | 第四章 Motion in Two Dimensions 4-0 課程概述 (第三章合併第四章講述) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
4-1 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration 4-2 Two Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration 4-3 Projectile Motion | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
4-4 Uniform Circular Motion 4-5 Tangential and Radial Acceleration | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
4-6 Relative Velocity and Relative Acceleration | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第五章 | 第五章 The Laws of Motion 5-1 The Concept of Force 5-2 Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames 5-3 Mass 5-4 Newton’s Second Law | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
5-5 The Gravitation Force and Weight 5-6 Newton’s Third Law | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
5-7 Some Applications of Newton’s Laws | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
5-8 Forces of Friction | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第六章 | 第六章 Circular Motion and Other Applications of Newton’s Laws 6-1 Newton’s Second Law for a Particle in Uniform Circular Motion | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
6-2 Nonuniform Circular Motion | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
6-3 Motion in Accelerated Frames | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
6-4 Motion in the Presence of Resistive Force (1/2) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
6-4 Motion in the Presence of Resistive Force (2/2) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第七章 | 第七章 Energy of a System 7.1 Systems and Environments | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
7.2 Work Done by a Constant Force 7.3 The Scalar Product of Two Vectors 7.4 Work Done by a Varying Force | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
7.5 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem 7.6 Potential Energy of a System | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
7.7 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
7.7 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces 7.8 Relationship Between Conservative Forces and Potential Energy | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第八章 | 第八章 Conservation of Energy 8.2 The Isolated System | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
8.1 The Nonisolated System: Conservation of Energy 8.2 The Isolated System 8.3 Situations Involving Kinetic Friction | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
8.4 Changes in Mechanical Energy for Nonconservative Forces | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
8.4 Changes in Mechanical Energy for Nonconservative Forces 8.5 Power | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第九章 | 第九章 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum 9.1 Linear Momentum and Its Conservation 9.2 Isolated System | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
9.4 Collisions in One Dimension | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
9.5 Collisions in Two Dimensions | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
9.6 The Center of Mass | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
9.7 Motion of a System of Particles | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
9.8 Deformable Systems | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
9.9 Rocket Propulsion | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第十章 | 第十章 Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis 10.1 Angular Position, Velocity, and Acceleration 10.2 Rotational Kinematics: The Rigid Object Under Constant Angular Acceleration 10.3 Angular and Translational Quantities | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
10.4 Rotational Kinetic Energy | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
10.5 Calculation of Moments of Inertia 10.6 Torque | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
10.7 The Rigid Body Under a Net Torque (1/3) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
10.7 The Rigid Body Under a Net Torque (2/3) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
10.7 The Rigid Body Under a Net Torque (3/3) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
10.8 Energy Considerations in Rotational Motion | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第十一章 | 第十一章 Conservation of Angular Momentum 11.1 The Vector Product and Torque 11.2 Angular Momentum: The Nonisolated System | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |
11.3 Angular Momentum of a Rotating Rigid Object 11.4 The Isolated System: Conservation of Angular Momentum | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
11.4 The Isolated System: Conservation of Angular Momentum 11.5 The Motion of Gyroscopes and Tops | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
第十二章 | 第十二章 Static Equilibrium Elasticity 12.1 The Rigid Object in Equilibrium 12.2 More on the Center of Gravity | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |