週次 | 課程內容 | 課程影音 | 課程下載 |
Overview: The philosophy behind information theory | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 1:Introduction | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Appendix A:Overview on Suprema and Limits A.1 Supremum and maximum A.2 Infimum and minimum A.3 Boundedness and suprema operations A.4 Sequences and their limits | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Appendix A:Overview on Suprema and Limits Review A.1-A.4 A.5 Equivalence | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Appendix B:Overview in Probability and Random Processes B.1 Probability space B.2 Random variables and random processes | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Appendix B:Overview in Probability and Random Processes B.3 Statistical properties of random sources | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Appendix B:Overview in Probability and Random Processes B.5 Ergodicity and law of large numbers B.6 Central limit theorem B.7 Convexity, concavity and Jensen’s inequality B.8 Lagrange multipliers tech. & KKT conditions | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 2:Information Measures for Discrete Systems 2.1.1 Self-information 2.1.2 Entropy 2.1.3 Properties of entropy 2.1.4 Joint entropy and conditional entropy 2.1.5 Properties of joint and conditional entropy 2.2 Mutual information 2.2.1 Properties of m | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 2:Information Measures for Discrete Systems 2.4 Data processing inequality 2.5 Fano’s inequality | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 2:Information Measures for Discrete Systems 2.6 Divergence and variational distance | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 2:Information Measures for Discrete System 2.7 Convexity/concavity of information measures 2.8 Fundamentals of hypothesis testing 2.9 R´enyi’s information measures | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 3:Lossless Data Compression 3.1 Principles of data compression 3.2.1 Block codes for DMS 3.2.2 Block Codes for Stationary Ergodic Sources | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 3:Lossless Data Compression 3.3 Variable-Length Code for Lossless Data Comp. 3.3.1 Non-singular Codes and Uniquely Decodable Codes 3.3.2 Prefix or Instantaneous Codes | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 3:Lossless Data Compression 3.3.3 Examples of Binary Prefix Codes | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 3:Lossless Data Compression 3.3.4 Universal Lossless Variable-Length Codes | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Data Transmission and Channel Capacity 4.3 Block codes for data transmission over DMCs(1/3) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Data Transmission and Channel Capacity 4.3 Block codes for data transmission over DMCs(2/3) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Data Transmission and Channel Capacity 4.3 Block codes for data transmission over DMCs(3/3) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Data Transmission and Channel Capacity 4.5 Calculating channel capacity 4.5.1 Symmetric, Weakly Symmetric, and Quasi-symmetric Channels 4.5.2 Karuch-Kuhn-Tucker cond. for chan. capacity | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Data Transmission and Channel Capacity 4.4 Example of Polar Codes for the BEC | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Data Transmission and Channel Capacity 4.6 Lossless joint source-channel coding and Shannon’s separation principle | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 5:Differential Entropy and Gaussian Channels 5.1 Differential entropy | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 5:Differential Entropy and Gaussian Channels 5.1 Differential entropy 5.2 Joint & cond. diff. entrop., diverg. & mutual info | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 5:Differential Entropy and Gaussian Channels 5.3 AEP for continuous memoryless sources 5.4 Capacity for discrete memoryless Gaussian chan | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 5:Differential Entropy and Gaussian Channels 5.5 Capacity of Uncorrelated Parallel Gaussian Chan | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 5:Differential Entropy and Gaussian Channels 5.6 Capacity of correlated parallel Gaussian channels 5.7 Non-Gaussian discrete-time memoryless channels 5.8 Capacity of band-limited white Gaussian channel | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 6:Lossy Data Compression and Transmission 6.1.1 Motivation 6.1.2 Distortion measures 6.1.3 Frequently used distortion measures 6.2 Fixed-length lossy data compression | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 6:Lossy Data Compression and Transmission 6.3 Rate-distortion theorem AEP for distortion typical set Shannon’s lossy source coding theorem | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 6:Lossy Data Compression and Transmission 6.4 Calculation of the rate-distortion function 6.4.2 Rate distortion func / the squared error dist | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 6:Lossy Data Compression and Transmission 6.5 Lossy joint source-channel coding theorem 6.6 Shannon limit of communication systems(1/2) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 6:Lossy Data Compression and Transmission 6.6 Shannon limit of communication systems(2/2) | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Preface and Introduction Chapter 1:Generalized Information Measures for Arbitrary Systems with Memory | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 2:General Data Compression Theorems | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 3:Measure of Randomness for Stochastic Processes | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 | |
Chapter 4:Channel Coding Theorems and Approximations of Output Statistics for Arbitrary Channels | 線上觀看 | MP4下載 |