1. Can lecture videos be downloaded?

All lecture videos and course resources on the NCTU OCW can be downloaded for learning purposes.

2. How do I download the lecture videos?

The NCTU OCW lecture courses can be downloaded by clicking the right click of the mouse and choosing “save others”.

3. Why is the downloading speed so slow?

When users are downloading on multiple web pages or multiple people are downloading the same content, downloading speed may decrease, please be patient. If the speed is extremely slow please report to the “comment and feedback” section the name of the course and the specific file, we will fix it as soon as possible.

4. Why am I unable to download lecture videos?

The NCTU OCW course resource and material are all available for download for learning. Please make sure your server supports large amount of data download. If you are unable to download anything, please let us know through ”Feedback”, we will fix the problem as soon as we can.

5. Why can’t I watch the video online?

OCW courses can be directly watched by any selection, however the setting of your computer may effect the viewing system. We also suggest not to use the newest software system.

6. The background noise of part of the video is too loud, or the teacher is speaking too quietly, can this be fixed?

The OCW platform always make last confirmation before publishing the video. We will continue to improve our video content and lower the chances of technical difficulties. If you have any advice or comments, please feel free to tell us through the “comments and feedback” section. Tell us the name and title of the course file with existing problems, we will fix it as soon as we can.