This course is provided by NYCU Liberal Arts College .
Governments and businesses around the world are increasingly emphasizing and ensuring human rights protection as they develop industrial and economic sectors. They have articulated policies and commitments to respect human rights and fulfill social responsibilities, gradually implementing them. In contrast, many of our country's crucial industries play integral roles in global supply chains but tend to focus solely on product responsibility while neglecting human rights and social responsibility. Therefore, to align with international standards and earn societal trust, corporate human rights have become an essential concern for businesses in our country.
This course is divided into an overview and specific topics. It begins by introducing the overarching concept of corporate responsibility and how it has evolved, emphasizing its significance in societal development. The specific topics delve into various aspects of corporate responsibility, covering a wide range of issues, from the social responsibilities of the financial industry, consumer protection, gender mainstreaming in the workplace, to the rights of migrant workers. The instructors aim to ignite students' interest in the study of law, promoting a broader understanding of the concept of corporate human rights and contributing to the advancement of human rights in the overall corporate environment in Taiwan.
1. 臺灣企業與人權國家行動計畫,行政院網站資料:
2. 公司治理 3.0-永續發展藍圖,金融監督管理委員會:
3. 《希望這家公司永遠在──日本最值得珍惜的 5 家企業》,本光司,先覺出 版(2009)
4. 《大逆轉:金融擴張如何推升不平等》,Ken-Hou Lin、Megan Tobias Neely,春山出版(2021)
5. 《企業社會責任與永續發展策略:企業的全球通行證》,朱竹元,三 民出版(2016)
6. 《下一個社會的管理》, Peter F. Drucker,博雅出版(2021)
7. 《企業的惡與善:從經濟學的角度,思考企業和資本主義的存在意義》,Tyler Cowen,經濟新潮社出版(2020)
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Instructor(s) | School of Law Prof. Carol Lin |
Course Credits | 2 Credits |
Academic Year | 111 Academic Year |
Level | College Students |
Prior Knowledge | None |
Related Resources | Course Video Course Syllabus Course Calendar |
Week | Course Content | Course Video | Course Download |
Introduction | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
New Perspectives on Corporate Responsibility – Corporate Integrity and Corporate Human Rights | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
Business and Human Rights in International Law | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
Equator Principles and Green Finance | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
Gender Mainstreaming and Act of Gender Equality in Employment | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
Business and Environmental Conservation | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
Financial Consumer Protection | Watch Online | MP4 Download | |
Consumer Protection and Consumer Sovereignty | Watch Online | MP4 Download |
Course Objectives
1. 培養學生對時事法律議題之敏感度;
2. 促進學生對企業本質與企業人權責任規範之基本認識;
3. 強化學生對於授課內容之理解;
4. 使學生能利用課堂所學觀察國家政策與企業決策;
5. 帶領學生以保障人權的態度理解法律與社會的變遷。
Course Contents
Topics | Outlines |
各論 | 1. 科技業之社會責任 2. 金融業之社會責任 3. 金融消費者保護 |
成果報告 | 分組報告與期末考 |
總論 | 1. 企業責任之演進 2. 全球馬格尼茨基人權 問責法 3. 產業供應鏈責任法 4. 企業與消費者保護 5. 企業與環境保護 6. 企業與性別主流化 7. 移工人權 |
1. 臺灣企業與人權國家行動計畫,行政院網站資料:
2. 公司治理 3.0-永續發展藍圖,金融監督管理委員會:
3. 《希望這家公司永遠在──日本最值得珍惜的 5 家企業》,本光司,先覺出 版(2009)
4. 《大逆轉:金融擴張如何推升不平等》,Ken-Hou Lin、Megan Tobias Neely,春山出版(2021)
5. 《企業社會責任與永續發展策略:企業的全球通行證》,朱竹元,三 民出版(2016)
6. 《下一個社會的管理》, Peter F. Drucker,博雅出版(2021)
7. 《企業的惡與善:從經濟學的角度,思考企業和資本主義的存在意義》,Tyler Cowen,經濟新潮社出版(2020)
Homework and Assignments, Exams and Quizzes, Evaluation and Grading Policy
項目 | 百分比 |
課堂與討論表現 | 10% |
課堂作業 | 20% |
分組報告 | 30% |
期末考 | 40% |
Week | Date | Course Progress, Contents, Topics |
第一週 | 09/15 |
第二週 | 09/22 |
第三週 | 09/29 |
第四週 | 10/06 |
第五週 | 10/13 |
第六週 | 10/20 |
第七週 | 10/27 |
第八週 | 11/03 |
第九週 | 11/10 |
第十週 | 11/17 |
第十一週 | 11/24 |
第十二週 | 12/01 |
第十三週 | 12/08 |
第十四週 | 12/15 |
第十五週 | 12/22 |
第十六週 | 12/29 |
第十七週 | 01/05 |
第十八週 | 01/12 |