Leveling the City: The Crisis of Late Liberal Society and the Remaking of Shanghai’s Urban Space, 1927–1958

Speech TopicLeveling the City: The Crisis of Late Liberal Society and the Remaking of Shanghai’s Urban Space, 1927–1958
Speech InstructorJake Werner
PresentationRecent decades have seen the rise of an intense nostalgia for Shanghai’s Jazz Age history of the 1920s and 1930s, among both popular and scholarly audiences and on both sides of the Pacific. The period has often been portrayed as a golden age of economic and cultural freedom, in contrast to the stagnation said to have set in after the Communist Party took control in 1949. 講者簡介: Jake Werner (文哲凱) 博士,現為傅爾布萊特交換學者、交大社文所訪問學人,畢業於芝加哥大學歷史系,博士論文題為“The Making of Mass Society in Shanghai: The Socialist Transformation of Everyday Life, 1949–1958”。